Sunday 2 December 2018

How to stop reverse charging pop up notification on Asus Zenfone Max

Hi all, I've been a zenfone user for the last few months. I'm using Zenfone 4 Max. I chose that type due to the big capacity of the battery, and also the affordable price, hehe. When I bought it, I didnt notice about the reverse charging feature. Well I dont think I will ever need that. I really didnt know abt that feature until today.

Yes, I got problem with the reverse charging pop up notification. The pop up notification made my screen blinking because it was on and off like in a second. I barely used my max to do anything! So annoying!

I tried to get the issue solved by browsing through Asus Zentalk discussion forum, but all lead to one conclusion: I have to bring this handphone to the nearest service centre. Argh!

But something magic happened! After I read about how to use fast charging on my max, I plugged in the OTG cable that came with the unit. Then the notif appeared on the screen (not blinking like it was before), I clicked on the "cancel" option, then voila! The problem solved! I dont have to visit any service centre!

When I tried to tell this to the discussiin forum, I wast able to type on the comment section of any post related with it. I forgot what the notif said, but I just could not. That's why I tell this in my blog. I hope this will help others who got the same issue.

Goodluck everyone!


  1. Thanks! Hope this works. Mine is Asus Zenfone 4 Max Lite. Don't know how it happened, but the charging port seems to reverse charge every time. It delays charging time, and always pops out reverse charging option. I will try to do what you suggested. I'll be back soon!

    1. sorry for the very late response. I hope you have the problem fixed. have a nice day!

  2. Maaf mba diyan, saya mau tanya, setelah colok otg itu saya mesti apa? Terima kasih

    1. Duh maaf jarang nengokin Blognya *tutupmuka
      Kalo waktu itu muncul option utk reverse charging or cancel, gak blinking kaya sebelumnya yg ga bisa diklik. saya pilih cancel. udah gitu doang. semoga masalah Pak Ridwan sudah beres yaa sekarang..

  3. I'm zenfone 4 max user. Came here for the same problem, and indeed it was working. Thanks a lot!!

    1. Glad to know that it worked for yours :) yeay!

  4. Reverse charging problem in Asus zenfone 3 Max and not increasing battery level

    1. Have you tried my trick? Hope it works for yours.

  5. Kalau masalahnya sampai ganggu ke charge ga mbak ? Max pro m1 saya semenjak mode reverse charge jadi ga bisa charge sambil nyala

    1. duh punten mbaa... jarang banget nengokin blog *tutupmuka
      dulu sih karena sebenernya ga pernah pake fitur reverse charging itu jd gak ngalamain kaya gitu mba. mudah2an masalahnya sudah OK skrg ya mba. boleh sharing2 mba kalo sempat. hehe

  6. heyycan i ask you a question i have the same problem when ever i unplug my charger it shows me the notification again and again. what can i do

    1. hello.. sorry for this very late response
      have you tried my trick? use the otg instead of a charger. hope everything is OK right now.

  7. What if i dont have any ots

    1. hello. sorry for the very late response.
      the only thing I know is only the trick with the otg.
      but if you have other resolution, please kindly share ;)

  8. Is there any option to send you My phone Screen shot Because similarly Thing happened to me, It shows me Window/ pop-up in every 2-3 minutes "⚠️REVERSE CHARGING Provide Normal reverse charging and data Transmission"
    What To do now, any setting for this in System apps "Data clear" or Something else. Also Tried OTG and Eject it But this is not working.

  9. Kak kalo saya masalahnya itu muncul notif "REVERSE CHARGING Provide Normal reverse charging and data Transmission" sering kali Ampe bikin ganggu, udah coba cari tutor di yt tapi yg nongol orang India semua gada ver englishnya :(, kira kira gimana ya??

  10. Colokin lagi charger, Settings-> Power management -> Revers charging (v) hilangkan centang

    1. power management di bagian mana ya bang?


Thank you for reading! I welcome for any comment, but please be good to me: use nettiquete.