Saturday 27 June 2015

Blogging with PC/laptop or phonecell??

Always and always, I feel like a 'newbie' when it comes to blogging. No matter when I started my blog, I still feel so new. An easy example, look at my blog background! So standard? Yeah T_T I always say to my self that it's OK, just keep writing. But when I visit someone's blog which look so cool, I feel so old. Really. Haha. Then I say again to my self: keep writing! Background is not that important. Lol.
But now, dear blogger all around the world, I have an ultimate question to you: do you post on your blog by using a PC/laptop or a phonecell??
Why I ask such question bcoz I feel discomfort in posting from those two gadgets. My problem is in attaching pictures.
When I post a story with my laptop, I use modzilla firefox as the browser, I can put pic here and there, in any position I want, but then I failed to save the post. No previous problem occured before I put the pic. Sometimes it ended up with me giving up posting the story with no pic at all. Tho sometimes it worked well, as you can see in some of my posts in this blog, I succeed to add some pics at any position I want. But this is rare.
While when I post a story using my phonecell, I use Blogger application dowloaded from playstore, the pic(s) could only be put on the last part of the post. Period. I never find any other option. But in saving post, it never has any problem. Update: yes it has. I have just made a post about my lab trial. After I finished, I uploaded the post, the said it was uploading but it was like the app unable to finish the uploading. I tried to log in with my laptop, just to find out that the post was not anywhere in the blog. not in the posted file, neither in draft. I lost it T_T

So now, give me some advice, please.. Thank you.

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